The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Highway Loss Data Institute provides that there were 876 fatal crashes in the State of Michigan in 2013, resulting in 947 deaths. Of those, 510 involved single-vehicle accidents[1]. The driver in a single-vehicle accident is oftentimes at fault based upon any number of factors including:
- Distracted driving: Talking or texting on a cell phone, drinking, eating, or talking to passengers may cause a driver to veer off the road or hit an object
- Drowsy driving: Falling asleep at the wheel can cause a driver to leave the roadway and crash.
- Excessive speed: A driver who exceeds the allowable speed limit and causes a crash can be held responsible for the injuries and damages that result.
- Weather: Poor weather conditions like rain, ice, snow and fog can all contribute to a single-vehicle accident.
When is a Michigan Driver Not Liable in a Single-Vehicle Accident?
Even though a single vehicle accident involves only one automobile, there can be instances where the driver is not liable including:
- Bad road conditions: If a driver loses control of their vehicle and hits a tree due to bad road conditions, the driver, or their family, may be able to make a claim against the governmental agency that is responsible for maintaining the road. State and local government entities are responsible for properly inspecting and maintaining the roads to keep them safe for motorists. If a driver suddenly hits a pothole, crack, break in the pavement, uneven pavement, or other hazardous condition, they can lose control of their vehicle and crash.
- Equipment defect: 650 safety recalls[2] of 17.8 million motor vehicles, pieces of motor vehicle equipment and child safety seats occurred in 2012, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). A driver in a single vehicle accident may avoid liability where there was a sudden equipment failure. When an auto manufacturer sells a defective car part, that part can suddenly malfunction and cause a driver to lose control of the vehicle. Brakes, tires, axles, airbags, and steering systems are all examples of defects that can lead to single-car crashes.
- Road Construction: Construction zones are everywhere throughout Florida. Accidents in these areas may have been caused by lack of warning signs, improperly diverted traffic, poor placement of cones and barriers, or other problems. When collisions occur in a work zone or construction area, negligent construction companies may be held accountable.
- Road debris: Debris tends to be a common occurrence on Michigan roadways, where car parts flying off vehicles, or loose cargo makes its way onto the roadway. Dead road kill animals, trash, and other debris can create a significant road impediment and one that causes drivers to swerve their cars in an effort to avoid hitting objects in the road.
- Second driver: Drivers who are impaired or distracted may veer into your lane, cross the center line, or even cut you off, causing you to overcorrect or suddenly brake, which can lead to a collision. Another type of interaction with a second driver could be caused by road rage, reckless driving, driving while under the influence, or through errors in judgment, such as going down the wrong side of a one-way street.
Contact a Michigan Single-Vehicle Accident Lawyer
After you have contacted the police and received any medical assistance that is required, it is important to speak to Michigan car accident attorneys. Call the experienced Michigan Injury Lawyers today. Please feel free to call our office today at 313-GET-HELP for a free consultation with no obligation.
[1] http://www.iihs.org/iihs/topics/t/general-statistics/fatalityfacts/state-by-state-overview/2013
[2] http://www.nhtsa.gov/About+NHTSA/Press+Releases/NHTSA+Announces+More+Than+17.8+Million+Products+Recalled+in+2012