The Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning Michigan Traffic Crash Facts[1] provides that There were 876 people killed and 71,378 people injured in 298,699 reported motor vehicle traffic crashes in Michigan during 2014. Of the 9,909,877 people living in Michigan, one out of every 11,313 was killed in a traffic crash and one out of every 139 was injured.
If you are involved in an automobile collision, you may have injuries along with some or all of your passengers. During stressful times like this, it is difficult to remember what steps to take immediately after a crash occurs.
What Should You Do After a Michigan Collision?
- Safety: After an automobile crash, your vehicle may be damaged or even in the path of traffic. If the collision was relatively minor and the cars are moveable, consider driving your vehicle over to a safe location on the side of the road. If you or anyone at the scene was injured, or if it would be dangerous to move your car, then exit the vehicle as quickly as possible and move to a safe location on the side of the road that is a safe distance away from the accident scene.
- Police: Be sure to call the police for assistance. Even in minor traffic incidents, the police can help to redirect traffic, if necessary, and to prepare accident reports. Depending upon the extent of any injuries, it may also be necessary to request medical attention.
- Exchange Information: Exchange your name and insurance information with any other drivers involved in the collision. You will also want the license plate numbers of any other vehicles. It is not necessary for you to provide any further personal information regarding your home address or your injuries.
- If you are safely able to do so, try and take pictures of the individual cars as well as one of the entire scene. Photographs of the damage caused to your vehicle as well as any road debris may be helpful to prove your claims for damage.
- Make Calls: After you have received any needed medical treatment, it is important to contact your own insurance company and to provide them with all of the details regarding the collision.
Michigan Automobile Crash Lawyers
If you find that you are involved in a car accident and have sustained injuries, it is important to speak to a Michigan automobile accident attorney in order to discuss your case and determine if anyone is liable for your damages. Call the Michigan Injury Lawyers so they can discuss your case. Please feel free to call our office today at 313-GET-HELP for a free consultation with no obligation.
[1] http://publications.michigantrafficcrashfacts.org/2014/MTCFVol1.pdf